God's Purpose & Provision for Every Woman

The purpose of a woman in the Bible

God Created You for a Purpose

It can be difficult for us as Christian women to know our purpose. There are so many voices shouting at us, suggesting all kinds of goals for women.

But God’s Word rises majestically above the clamor, and the good news is that God doesn’t ask a thousand or even a hundred things of His women.

He only asks us to focus on ten essential things that help us fulfill His grand purpose for those who love Him, who serve others, and who reflect Him to the world. His list, found in Titus 2:3-5, con­tains these essentials for us to focus our time and energies on. What is a woman of God and what is His purpose for women? Let's explore.

God's Purpose for Every Woman

  • Be godly in your behavior.
  • Be truthful and kind in your speech.
  • Be disciplined and self-controlled.
  • Be devoted to your husband.
  • Be devoted to your children.
  • Be discreet and wise in your actions.
  • Be chaste and pure inside and out.
  • Be focused on your home.
  • Be kind and good to all.
  • Be a teacher/encourager of good things.

What is God's purpose for your life?

It’s profoundly liberating to know your purpose in life. And, from this list it’s not as mysterious as you might think. To drift aimlessly through precious days is tiresome, frustrating, and unrewarding.

You may already be exercising these attributes in your life, and sensing God leading you in specific arenas to display Him. If so, focus your time and energies on that calling.

But if you’re a little behind or uncertain, spend time examining Jesus’ life, pay close attention in the gospels to His focus as He lived God’s pur­pose on a daily basis.

Notice how He fixed His gaze on God’s plan for Him. And be encouraged. As a woman reading this today, you are already evidencing purpose. You are reflect­ing Jesus as you live out His instructions to “seek first the king­dom of God” (Matthew 6:33).


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Staying focused on God's Provision

We are often distracted from a focused purpose by daily concerns. But, think about it. If God has placed a purpose before you, He will be faithful to grant you His provision to progress in this purpose.

Paul wrote that “God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus” (Phi­lippians 4:19). If Jesus is your personal Savior, you, along with all believers, have this promise of provision for all your real needs. You can always count on God to supply all that is required to sus­tain you.

But, let’s face it, most of the times we stray from these purposeful actions because of sinful attitudes and reactions, not mere distraction. God knows sin can hinder the fulfillment of that plan and He has also made provision for you and me as in the area of sin and temptation.

As the apostle Paul explains, “God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it” (1 Corinthians 10:13). And, best of all God has provided us with His ultimate approval and the removal of our sin condition through Jesus Christ. “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” (Romans 8:1)

“God is faithful.” Let this truth refresh your heart! God will not always remove your temptations because they make your faith in Him stronger as you resist. However, He does promise to keep the temptation from becoming so strong that you can’t stand up under it.

Whatever you do, don’t try to deal with your temptations alone. Through prayer, the assistance of God’s Word, and support from others, God provides the way for you to remain purposeful and faithful when you are tempted.

God has a Purpose for your Life

What magnificent promises of provision! He has a purpose for you, and you can move toward fulfilling it without fear or anxiety because of His guaranteed 100 per­cent provision — for all your needs.

Whatever your need is today, whether it’s financial, physical, emotional, or spiritual, boldly take that need to God. Then stand back and behold as the Father helps you fulfill your purpose by supplying all your needs according to His riches in glory by and because of His Son, Jesus.

Living with Purpose

To live with purpose means to focus your heart, time, energies, and priorities. It calls for aggressively taking advantage of each day, not only to help others, but also to prepare for future ministry.

Then when clear avenues of service present themselves, you’ll find yourself ready. What can you do today to prepare for the opportunities that are awaiting you? Write it down and pray over it. Then do it. Your daily focus on preparation will bring new energy and progress to your day.

God’s plan for your life unfolding as He leads you. As you pray, your days will become pointed rather than pointless, full rather than empty, hopeful rather than hopeless, vibrant rather than vacant!


A Resource for Guidance

For more encouragement in your spiritual walk,
read A Woman Who Reflects the Heart of Jesus by Elizabeth George.


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