Biblical Misfits and Heroes

The story of Peter and How Jesus Used his strengths and weaknesses for good


I’ve heard many sermons and read many books that tell the tale of a dozen misfits that we admonish as biblical heroes; the apostles. None more clearly demonstrate to us just how human these men of God were than the Bible itself.

We can stand to learn a thing or two from these men. It should encourage us to know their flaws in relation to God’s strengths. We truly can accomplish anything through Christ Jesus our Lord and savior.

What We Can Learn From Peter

  1. Failure does not disqualify you from serving Jesus. Jesus predicted Peter’s failure, then later said, “When you have returned to Me, strengthen your brethren” (Luke 22:32). After each of his failures, Peter always returned with a desire to continue to follow Christ. Jesus knows that no one is perfect—failure is inherent in our humanness. Just as Jesus was ready to forgive and reinstate Peter for usefulness, He is ready to do the same for you. Whatever spiritual failure you are presently experiencing is an opportunity for you to experience the grace of God. It is better to be a follower who sometimes fails than one who fails to follow.

  2. Spiritual warfare should not be taken lightly. When Jesus warned of coming persecution, Peter was quick to assert he would remain faithful to Jesus. In his overconfidence he believed he could remain strong even when Satan applied spiritual pressure on him. Jesus knew Peter couldn’t remain faithful on his own, and predicted Peter’s restoration (Luke 22:32). Peter’s fall is a reminder that no one is immune to temptations or failure. None of us can stand in our own strength. Jesus said, “Without Me you can do nothing” (John 15:5), which includes withstanding temptation.

  3. Evangelism is simply introducing people to the Savior and letting Him do the rest. Andrew’s major accomplishment was bringing his brother, Peter, to Christ and allowing Jesus to transform him into one of the great spiritual leaders of the early church. You may think you don’t have much to offer your Savior, but one very important thing you can do is introduce your family, friends, and workmates to Jesus and allow His Spirit to do the rest. Some of the greatest contributors to the cause of Christ down through the centuries have been those who simply introduced someone else to the Savior.


Dear Lord. I know I am not a perfect person. Please forgive me for the times when I fall short. I submit myself fully to you so that you may use me as you see fit. Amen.

jim-george a-leader-after-gods-own-heart

A Leader After God's Own Heart by Jim George teaches that every man is either a leader or a leader in the making. God’s desire is for him to serve as a role model and provide direction for others. But this raises an all-important question: What makes a man a truly good leader – one who God can use? In A Leader After God’s Own Heart, Jim George looks at the biblical life of Nehemiah, who provides an outstanding example of leadership you can follow.


What aspects of Peter’s strengths and weaknesses do you relate to the most?


Failure does not disqualify you from serving Jesus. Spiritual warfare should not be taken lightly. Evangelism is simply introducing people to the Savior and letting Him do the rest.

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Jim and Elizabeth George

Jim and Elizabeth George are bestselling authors and national speakers dedicated to helping people live a life after God’s own heart. Together, they have written over 150 books with more than 14 million copies sold around the world. For over 35 years, the teachings and steadfast example of Elizabeth and Jim have helped countless men and women:

  • Simplify life by focusing on God’s priorities.
  • Appreciate God’s Word and apply it to everyday situations.
  • Respond to circumstances with confidence by seeing yourself through God’s loving eyes.
  • Increase closeness in marriage by serving and honoring each other.
  • Powerfully shape the hearts of children and teenagers.
  • Enjoy greater intimacy with God.

Learn more about Jim and Elizabeth George here.

Jim and Elizabeth George

Jim and Elizabeth George are bestselling authors and national speakers dedicated to helping people live a life after God’s own heart. Together, they have written over 150 books with more than 14 million copies sold around the world. For over 35 years, the teachings and steadfast example of Elizabeth and Jim have helped countless men and women:

  • Simplify life by focusing on God’s priorities.
  • Appreciate God’s Word and apply it to everyday situations.
  • Respond to circumstances with confidence by seeing yourself through God’s loving eyes.
  • Increase closeness in marriage by serving and honoring each other.
  • Powerfully shape the hearts of children and teenagers.
  • Enjoy greater intimacy with God.

Learn more about Jim and Elizabeth George here.

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