by Elizabeth George August 29, 2013
When we consider the observation of “opposites” (as we did in our previous post) how likely would it be to describe any of the world-changers throughout history as lackadaisical or unemotional. No, we ascribe the opposite qualities to those of influence – purposeful, brave, or driven. Where, we might wonder, do people of influence get […]
Read From Jim’s Heart for Men…Your Personal Passion Fuels Your Discipline on Elizabeth & Jim George.
by Elizabeth George August 27, 2013
We can learn even more about kindness when we look at its opposites. For instance one of the opposites of showing kindness is arguing. Certain behaviors signal to us that we are not walking by the Spirit or practicing God’s kindness, and one of those flashing red lights is arguing. In 2 Timothy 2:24, Paul […]
by Elizabeth George August 22, 2013
While peace is one of the fruits of the Spirit that we crave for ourselves—patience, kindness, and goodness—has to do with our treatment of others. The order of this listing implies that kindness is the next step we are to take after we have practiced patience when wronged. I know my natural response when someone […]
Read Things to Do Today to Walk in Kindness on Elizabeth & Jim George.
by Elizabeth George August 20, 2013
Perhaps more prevalent in our lives than frightening reasons to panic are sources of pressure. We never seem to have enough time—pressure! We want to do well as a spouse and a parent—pressure! We are called to be good stewards of finances and effective managers of a home—pressure! Jobs, friendships, responsibilities to aging parents, health […]
Read Panic or Pressure on Elizabeth & Jim George.
by Elizabeth George August 15, 2013 1 Comment
In order to fully enjoy God’s peace, we have to actively trust Him. Jesus stated as a fact, “In the world you have tribulation” (John 16:33). But as Christians who abide in Christ there is peace (even in tribulation!) as we rest in God’s presence and trust in His promises. When you and I walk […]
by Elizabeth George August 13, 2013
“The fruit of the Spirit is…peace.” Galatians 5:22 What exactly is this peace that God’s Spirit gives? Many people think of peace as the absence of problems, as the feeling that is experienced when all is well. But the peace of the Lord is not related to circumstances at all. In fact, God’s peace comes […]
by Elizabeth George August 06, 2013
Do you like change? Some people say that they do; some people quickly respond that they don’t. I’d bet that most people don’t welcome a change that challenges their comfort zone. But, challenging those comfort zones is exactly what God does to grow us. One of my comfort zones that was laid bare before God […]
Read Letting God Work on Elizabeth & Jim George.
by Elizabeth George August 01, 2013
In addition to the teachings of James 1:2-4, there is another scripture I draw upon every time I’m faced with a trial. No matter what is happening to me, what I am up against, what is breaking my heart, or what I am suffering, I turn to the strength offered and assured in 2 Corinthians […]
Read Finding Strength in Weakness on Elizabeth & Jim George.
by Elizabeth George July 30, 2013
A forgiven sinner, David, the “man after God’s own heart” wrote many poignant psalms, including songs that express his passionate outpouring of confession, a contrite spirit, and the sparkling brilliance of joy. Can you imagine that this tragic trial was a part of the brilliance of joy— a mortal illness taking a newborn child due […]
by Elizabeth George July 25, 2013
Are you facing a difficult decision? A painful situation? Whether we like it or not, trials and tribulation are part of our everyday lives. II Corinthians 2:10 speaks of five types of trials that we will likely face in this world: weakness, insults, hardships, persecution for the sake of Christ, and difficulties. As you fall […]
by Elizabeth George July 23, 2013
As a new bride I quickly learned to be a bookkeeper when my husband, Jim, left for six months to go to army boot camp. During his absence I devised a system that was precise, if not sophisticated. I placed a shoebox on the counter, and put faithfully into it each and every bill and […]
by Elizabeth George July 18, 2013
Where does life find you today? What season are you in? Spring—Are you in the early beginnings of life? Are you tasting the joy of fresh starts and taking your first steps as a Christian? Summer—Have you progressed along the way with the Lord to the place of wisdom, of a blossoming knowledge of the […]
Read Yea, Though I Walk Thru the Valley on Elizabeth & Jim George.