Thanksgiving Hospitality

Opening Your Home at Thanksgiving by Jim and Elizabeth George

Abraham’s servant Eliezer traveled hundreds of miles in the desert climate. As he prayed beside a town well, the lovely Rebekah appeared. After first drawing water from the cistern to satisfy his thirst—and even taking care of the camels’ thirst—Rebekah respectfully answered the man’s questions regarding who she was and whether her family had a place for him to stay. Rebekah replied with her name and an invitation for food, lodging, and fodder for the animals. Inside Rebekah’s family home, Eliezer would be the recipient of assistance, refreshment, shelter, and rest. We have the same opportunity as Rebekah this holiday season.

Opening Your Home

Do you see opening your home at Thanksgiving as a gift from God to be used for the comfort and well-being of others? A Christian home is earth’s sweetest picture of heaven and a welcome relief in our stressed and weary society. Many folks are lonely, especially during the holidays. A question to ask ourselves in this holiday season is, “Who can I open my arms and my heart and my home to?”

  • Consider the teens you know who live where parents are seldom home, where few meals are served, and where apathy reigns.
  • Think about the little ones next door who could rest a moment in your warm, peaceful kitchen, a welcome respite from the angry shouting under their own roof.
  • Ponder the needs of a widow or widower who has no one to talk with.
  • Count the singles you know who are on their own.

Consider opening your home and inviting people over to share your holiday meal with you. If the people you invite over for Thanksgiving Day aren’t available, why not deliver a meal to them the next day? Or freeze small portions to send home with them the next time they visit your home. It may be that you live by yourself; pray about hosting a potluck to fill your table with smiling faces and full hearts…including your own.

As you open your home, offer a listening ear, an encouraging word, and a heartfelt prayer to those in need. Hospitality is a matter of the heart—your heart. All who enter your door offer you opportunities to minister. Welcome them into your sweet home—a home where Jesus lives in the heart of the hostess.


God, guide me toward chances to minister this Thanksgiving through neighborly kindness and hospitality. Help me open up my heart and home to people who are a part of my world. Give me a servant’s perspective in all that I do. Amen.


This “Gather Together” printable is a perfect gift for guests at Thanksgiving.


Ask yourself, “Who can I open my arms and my heart and my home to this Thanksgiving?” Then, talk to your family and pray together about making plans to open your home.


Hospitality is a matter of the heart—your heart.

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Jim and Elizabeth George

Jim and Elizabeth George are bestselling authors and national speakers dedicated to helping people live a life after God’s own heart. Together, they have written over 150 books with more than 14 million copies sold around the world. For over 35 years, the teachings and steadfast example of Elizabeth and Jim have helped countless men and women:

  • Simplify life by focusing on God’s priorities.
  • Appreciate God’s Word and apply it to everyday situations.
  • Respond to circumstances with confidence by seeing yourself through God’s loving eyes.
  • Increase closeness in marriage by serving and honoring each other.
  • Powerfully shape the hearts of children and teenagers.
  • Enjoy greater intimacy with God.

Learn more about Jim and Elizabeth George here.

Jim and Elizabeth George

Jim and Elizabeth George are bestselling authors and national speakers dedicated to helping people live a life after God’s own heart. Together, they have written over 150 books with more than 14 million copies sold around the world. For over 35 years, the teachings and steadfast example of Elizabeth and Jim have helped countless men and women:

  • Simplify life by focusing on God’s priorities.
  • Appreciate God’s Word and apply it to everyday situations.
  • Respond to circumstances with confidence by seeing yourself through God’s loving eyes.
  • Increase closeness in marriage by serving and honoring each other.
  • Powerfully shape the hearts of children and teenagers.
  • Enjoy greater intimacy with God.

Learn more about Jim and Elizabeth George here.

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