by Elizabeth George November 15, 2022
by Elizabeth George November 01, 2022
by Elizabeth George October 18, 2022
The writer of Proverbs 25:11 paints this word picture about good communication, “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.” As a woman after God’s own heart, this kind of beauty should be the goal for all of your communication. Here are several of God’s keys to godly speech.
by Elizabeth George October 04, 2022
by Elizabeth George September 27, 2022 1 Comment
Not long after I accepted a position at the seminary where I received my own training, I attended a conference of professors from around the country. One of the speakers had a Ph.D. in religion and theology. It wasn’t long before it became apparent that, while this person knew a lot about God, he did not have a personal relationship with God through Christ. During a lunch break, I sat with him and initiated a conversation about salvation and the gospel message.
by Elizabeth George August 16, 2022
When a conversation goes wrong and escalates into a battle, we have to deal with the aftermath and assess our part. It may help to ask yourself, "Am I shifting blame to others, making excuses for my actions, or am I accepting responsibility?" It’s amazing how many excuses we can come up with and how much blame shifting we do after giving in to sin.
by Elizabeth George August 09, 2022
“How can anything be so thrilling and yet so sobering?” This question was repeated over and over in my heart as Jim and I celebrated yet another military change of command for a dear friend and neighbor. The parade ground was packed with troops in formation who had been standing there for well over an hour before the ceremony even began.
by Elizabeth George August 02, 2022
Over the years, people have often asked me how they could “know” God’s will for their career. They thought if they had that answer, they would get a much clearer perspective on their jobs and their direction in life. I tell them God’s will regarding their work isn’t some mystical revelation they have to hunt for. Rather, it’s spelled out clearly in the Bible.
by Elizabeth George July 12, 2022
Do you share God’s desire for your spiritual growth? God doesn’t force growth upon you. Instead, you must desire it enough to do something about it. When you look at your own heart, what is the burning desire of your soul? Do you truly want to be God’s man, a man who makes a difference, who has a positive, dynamic impact on those around him?
by Elizabeth George May 17, 2022
The best way you can help lead your family is to make sure you are growing spiritually. This growth will give you the wisdom and strength you need for leading your children in the faith. You can make this happen by regular time reading the Bible (2 Timothy 3:17), finding role models to emulate (Proverbs 27:17), avoiding influences and situations where you will be tempted (1 Corinthians 15:33, 2 Timothy 2.22), and choosing to abide in Christ in order to bear fruit (John 15:1-8).
by Elizabeth George March 22, 2022 1 Comment
by Elizabeth George January 25, 2022