by Elizabeth George August 21, 2018
by Elizabeth George August 07, 2018
PARENTS: This devotion is written especially for you to share with your tween as a tool to talk about God and His Word.
“Dylan? Dylan! Dylan Douglas!” Mrs. Abrams, Dylan’s English teacher, called out. But Dylan was deep in thought. It wasn’t until Dylan’s friend Bart punched his arm that Dylan came back from the world of gaming.
by Elizabeth George July 17, 2018
by Elizabeth George July 10, 2018
by Elizabeth George June 19, 2018
by Elizabeth George May 15, 2018
You probably already know about favoritism from your experiences at school, in your neighborhood, and maybe even in your family. You can tell when someone is clearly the teacher’s pet! Or when someone is treated with great respect—or just a little. Judging Others I just love this true confession written by a teen who looked […]
Read Playing Favorites – Teen Tuesday on Elizabeth & Jim George.
by Elizabeth George May 01, 2018
Have you ever saved any money in a piggy bank at home or a savings account at a bank? Maybe your parents give you an allowance. Maybe you sell crafts or jewelry you’ve made. Maybe you even get birthday or Christmas money from your grandparents… Sweet! Where’s Your Heart? There are a lot of ways you […]
Read Managing Your Money – Teen Tuesday on Elizabeth & Jim George.
by Elizabeth George April 17, 2018
If you’re like most people, you need wisdom just about every time you turn around! When someone says or does something that hurts you, you need wisdom to know what to do or say— or what not to do or say! When you are invited to go somewhere or do something that your parents would […]
Read Teen Tuesday – Growing Your Girl In God’s Wisdom on Elizabeth & Jim George.
by Elizabeth George March 13, 2018
I can never read James 3 without laughing out loud. That’s because of a super crazy lesson about taming the tongue my two daughters experienced in their Sunday school class at church. Pastor Eric was leading the kids in his class through James, chapter 3, and he especially wanted them to learn how awful the […]
Read Teen Tuesday – Taming My Tongue on Elizabeth & Jim George.
by Elizabeth George February 20, 2018
The mind is an amazing thing. It can carry on thousands of functions at the same time. Sometimes that’s good, and sometimes that’s not so good. For instance, when you check your phone while your parent is talking to you … that’s bad! There you are, right in front of them, and yet you’re thinking about something totally different. […]
Read Ignoring Instagram – Teen Tuesday on Elizabeth & Jim George.
by Elizabeth George January 16, 2018
The choices you make about dating will be some of the most important ones you make in your life. That’s why you should make plans now for when you may date in the future. Wait to date until you’re ready to look for a life partner. But until then, let’s do some homework. Make a […]
Read Teen Tuesday: Dating “A-List” on Elizabeth & Jim George.
by Elizabeth George November 21, 2017
Teen Tuesday— You’ve read it in the Bible. You’ve heard it taught at church. And you hear people talk about it. Yes, by this time you already know that you are supposed to pray. Well, don’t give up on faithfully talking with God. Three simple acts will help you move forward in developing a better prayer […]
Read How to Build a Better Prayer Life on Elizabeth & Jim George.