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by Elizabeth George September 21, 2017
From Jim’s Heart— If you are a dad, you are part of an exciting, exclusive club. However you came to be your children’s dad and whatever the circumstances, you are their dad. Being a father is one of the greatest privileges God extends to you. You can use these small steps to make a big […]
Read Footsteps of the Heavenly Father on Elizabeth & Jim George.
by Elizabeth George August 17, 2017
From Jim’s Heart— Ask your wife to share some of the qualities that attracted her to you. I’ll bet one of those qualities was your fun-loving nature. You were both happy, laughed a lot, and had a good time no matter what. This was true for me in those dating years with Elizabeth. My nickname was […]
Read Recapture the Fun on Elizabeth & Jim George.
by Elizabeth George July 27, 2017
From Jim’s Heart— Communication—or the lack of it—is a significant issue in most marriages. Here are some little things you can do to make a big difference in your communication with your wife: Choose to listen. Listening is an act of love. When you listen to your wife, you are communicating nonverbally that she is important to […]
Read How to Communicate Better with Your Wife on Elizabeth & Jim George.
by Elizabeth George June 15, 2017
FROM JIM’S HEART— If you are married, you have one of the greatest of all opportunities—that of leaving a lasting legacy to your wife and children. Dear brother, to do this you must impart to your sweet wife a strong spiritual foundation that equips her to handle whatever the future holds. That means you must […]
Read Leaving a Legacy for Your Family on Elizabeth & Jim George.
by Elizabeth George May 30, 2017
Because you and your spouse as “one flesh” are a team, ideally the two of you have the potential to accomplish twice as much by working together toward common goals. Like Solomon wrote in Ecclesiastes 4:9, “Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor.” Unfortunately, in our imperfect world […]
Read Working Together as a Couple on Elizabeth & Jim George.
by Elizabeth George February 23, 2017
From Jim’s Heart— Have you ever noticed that, as a man, asking for or offering forgiveness is often very difficult? It’s almost as hard as asking for directions! Why is that? Well, I can’t answer for you, but for me, pride is often the culprit, especially in my marriage. Here’s how it goes: I say […]
by Elizabeth George February 14, 2017
From Jim’s Heart— L ove your wife unconditionally. Your love cannot be cause-and-effect in nature, with an attitude of “if she does this, I’ll do that.” Love does not keep records (1 Corinthians 13:5). It gives, expecting nothing in return. O rder your priorities. Next to your love for God, you are to love your wife. She […]
Read Loving Your Wife on Elizabeth & Jim George.
by Elizabeth George February 07, 2017
From Jim’s Heart— If I asked your wife to tell me when you last gave her comfort, what would she say? If you are like a lot of husbands (me included!), it’s been a long time. We men get so used to receiving tender care, especially from our wives. They’re right there whenever we need them. […]
Read Comfort Your Wife on Elizabeth & Jim George.
by Elizabeth George January 31, 2017
From Jim’s Heart— While I was an associate pastor, a couple came to my office for marriage counseling. After we pinpointed several areas of concern in their marriage that needed their attention, I asked the husband to commit the couple’s desires to the Lord. As the man finished praying, I looked up to discover that […]
by Elizabeth George December 06, 2016
From Jim’s Heart— Membership in the body of Christ is the greatest of all memberships, and the privileges are exceptional, both in this life and the life to come. Hebrews 10:25 tells believers: “Let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his […]
by Elizabeth George November 01, 2016
As a leader, how can you afford not to pray? Let these principles from Nehemiah’s remarkable prayer life (found in the Book of Nehemiah) guide you to increased strength as you guide others. Pray to meet the needs of others. Nehemiah’s awareness of the conditions of the people moved him to pray and to […]
Read From Jim’s Heart—Prayer Tips for Leaders on Elizabeth & Jim George.
by Elizabeth George September 29, 2016
From Jim’s Heart: When things go wrong, we usually ask, “God, why did that happen?” But if you read the Bible carefully, you’ll notice an interesting pattern: God never asks us to figure out the why behind our circumstances. Instead, He simply asks us to trust Him: Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and […]
Read When God Asks Us to Trust Him on Elizabeth & Jim George.