by Elizabeth George May 21, 2015
When it comes to shaping the entire future of a child’s life and influencing his or her eternal destiny, I hope you feel the gravity of your obligation to God… and to your children. Here are some steps for getting started. They’re simple, and they will require a lot from you, but the rewards are well worth it! Start […]
Read From Jim’s Heart—Ways to Influence Your Children on Elizabeth & Jim George.
by Elizabeth George May 19, 2015
Your home should be an absolute joy for every family member! I’ve learned to smile—and laugh—a lot. When my girls were little, we’d check out silly riddle books from the library and then laugh and roll on the floor as we read them. Try it! I also use the words “I love” freely. “I love […]
by Elizabeth George May 14, 2015
Application of the truths in the Bible comes in all shapes and sizes. Sometimes your application will require you to do one specific thing, like returning a book you borrowed a month ago. It could require you to apologize to a family member for giving them a hard time. At other times your application will require time and […]
Read From Jim’s Heart—Successful Application of God’s Word on Elizabeth & Jim George.
by Elizabeth George May 12, 2015
Here are some quick tips to increase your understanding of the Bible. Enjoy! Choose a translation you can understand. There are many good modern translations you can use without having to stumble over difficult terms or archaic language. Don’t try to see how fast you can read your Bible. Read at your normal rate or even slower. […]
Read From Jim’s Heart—How to Read Your Bible on Elizabeth & Jim George.
by Elizabeth George May 07, 2015
Praying for your children is the most powerful way you can care for them. Most times your heart will naturally overflow in prayer for them. And even when they’re causing trouble or your patience is wearing thin, a quick prayer will calm your nerves and soothe your children. You’ll be amazed at the huge difference […]
by Elizabeth George May 05, 2015
Let’s talk about your relationship with your parents and in-laws. The Bible is full of teachings about the respect and honor parents are due. Ephesians 6:2-3 says, “Honor your father and mother, which is the first commandment with a promise; that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth.” […]
Read The In-law Factor on Elizabeth & Jim George.
by Elizabeth George April 30, 2015
Often when you fail to pray, you say it’s because you’re super busy. But in reality, it’s not your schedule that keeps you from praying. It’s your failure to realize the importance of prayer and make the time to pray. So, instead of relying upon the power of prayer for all you do, you roll up your sleeves […]
Read From Jim’s Heart—Too Busy to Pray? on Elizabeth & Jim George.
by Elizabeth George April 28, 2015
For almost 30 years we lived in Los Angeles—a city that never sleeps. It doesn’t matter what time you are out and about, the roads, the streets, and the freeways are always packed with cars and people. This dark-to-dark scenario is repeated for millions of people in cities around the world. Whether we like it or not, or […]
Read Rest on Elizabeth & Jim George.
by Elizabeth George April 23, 2015
Have you ever tried to define obedience? That’s the challenge a missionary ran up against as he was translating the Bible into a foreign language. Taking a break from his search for a meaning, he called to his dog. When the dog came running, a tribal observer said, “Your dog was all ear.” Instantly the […]
by Elizabeth George April 21, 2015
That you also may know my affairs and how I am doing, Tychicus, a beloved brother and faithful minister in the Lord, will make all things known to you;… that he may comfort your hearts. Ephesians 6:21-22 Don’t you love it when you receive a “thinking of you” greeting card? I purchased an entire package […]
Read Thinking of Others on Elizabeth & Jim George.
by Elizabeth George April 15, 2015
What does an overflowing love look like in real life? From the first moment you know a baby is on the way, all your thoughts, dreams, prayers, and goals should be focused toward that little one. You should be completely consumed with understanding what it means to be a dad, and specifically, a dad after […]
Read From Jim’s Heart—A Dad’s Look of Love on Elizabeth & Jim George.
by Elizabeth George April 14, 2015
Why not plan a special night for your family? If you’re not married, get friends together. Give everyone plenty of notice, especially if teens are involved. When the time comes around, prepare a festive meal, go out to dinner, or order pizza! Later, gather around and have everyone share what they’ve done in the past […]
Read A Special Time on Elizabeth & Jim George.