by Elizabeth George February 24, 2015
The union of two people in marriage is potentially fraught with challenges—an understatement in the case of Jacob and Rachel! Their joining together was thwarted by a lying, conniving father-in-law, two wives, two concubines, and 12 sons generally marked by jealousy and aggressive, warlike behavior. No soap opera could ever even come close to duplicating […]
Read Jacob and Rachel on Elizabeth & Jim George.
by Elizabeth George February 19, 2015
Sometimes we do an act of service and then get the feeling that it wasn’t a valuable enough contribution to the church, or that nobody noticed or cared. Therefore we feel like what we did was a failure. It didn’t really matter. But no service that is done for God is a failure. Though from […]
Read From Jim’s Heart—It Really Does Matter on Elizabeth & Jim George.
by Elizabeth George February 17, 2015
The life studies of Abraham and Sarah, a couple after God’s own heart, comprise an extraordinary portrait! No other marriage in the Bible is given as much space. In the 13 chapters that detail their lives up until Sarah’s death, we get a glimpse of the epic tale of their love, their trials, their partnership, […]
Read Abraham and Sarah on Elizabeth & Jim George.
by Elizabeth George February 12, 2015
The mind is an amazing thing. It can carry on thousands of functions at the same time. Sometimes that’s good, and sometimes that’s not so good. For instance, when your mind thinks of someone or something else while your wife is talking to you… that’s bad! There you are, looking right at your wife while she’s pouring her heart […]
Read From Jim’s Heart—Being All There on Elizabeth & Jim George.
by Elizabeth George February 10, 2015
More than a billion Valentine’s Day cards are exchanged each year. And yet a lot of moms aren’t feeling the love. Sadly, love is a quality often misunderstood. It’s easy to confuse it with a physical desire for your spouse or a lavish covering of praise by your children or friends. Yet those versions can […]
by Elizabeth George February 05, 2015
When it comes to cheering people on, we tend to think in terms of coaches, cheerleaders, pep squads, and fans rooting for a favorite athletic team. But everyone needs encouragement. You and I need encouragement from others, and others need it from us. Consider, for example, the following scenario: You wake up to a new day, filled […]
Read From Jim’s Heart—Everyone Needs Encouragement on Elizabeth & Jim George.
by Elizabeth George February 03, 2015
Believe me, I know from my own growing-up years and from raising two daughters that the teen years are challenging ones! Often it seems like everything in your life is spinning and constantly changing, and it’s hard to get your feet and emotions grounded—and then the next big change comes along! At other times it seems […]
Read Got Problems? on Elizabeth & Jim George.
by Elizabeth George January 29, 2015
There are a myriad of thoughts penned on the importance of choices. You’ve probably heard this one: Little choices determine habit; Habit carves and molds character, Which makes the big decisions. What does this tell you? That even the little things count! If ever you’re tempted to cut corners and do things the easy way, […]
Read From Jim’s Heart—Little Choices, Big Decisions on Elizabeth & Jim George.
by Elizabeth George January 27, 2015
If you’re like us, you want your children to have some of the things you didn’t have when you were growing up. And you certainly don’t want them to make the same mistakes you did. Put another way, you want them to have a better life, to live a better life. Do you worry about the social […]
Read “Seek Ye First” on Elizabeth & Jim George.
by Elizabeth George January 22, 2015
Here are a few questions about your spiritual growth: Do you want to be a strong, maturing man of God? Then take care of your first priority, which is to develop a closer relationship with God. Do you want to be a great husband? Through your time spent with God and in His Word, you will find […]
Read From Jim’s Heart—The Impact of Spiritual Growth on Elizabeth & Jim George.
by Elizabeth George January 20, 2015
Here’s a great end-of-the-day exercise: Evaluate your day and note what you did that wasted time—too much TV or internet? Too much texting? Too much negotiating bath and bedtime with your kids? The Bible just happens to have a checklist that shows you your priorities. Take a look at Titus 2:3-5: “Teach the older women […]
Read Making Time Count on Elizabeth & Jim George.
by Elizabeth George January 15, 2015
God cares about your body and health. Scripture says that… Your body is a stewardship from God (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians3:16). Your body is meant to glorify God (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). So how are you doing? Many people today could eat better and definitely use […]
Read From Jim’s Heart—A Healthy Perspective on Elizabeth & Jim George.